Privacy Policy

Content of this page can be referred to as an agreement between Anisuma Institute and its affiliates, and you as user of this website. Act of using this site, can be by default considered as an acceptance of the terms described in this privacy policy. Hence we request you to please read this privacy policy before using this site or submitting any personal information here. In case, you do not agree to any of terms, please refrain from using this website.

Anisuma Institute respects and promotes the rights to privacy of every visitor and user of this site. Any information collected in any form, is therefore handled with utmost security and sensitivity. However this policy does not apply to the information collected by any other website or link even if it is redirected from this site. Hence we suggest you to verify the Universal resource locator (URL) on your browser before sharing any kind of data.
Anisuma Institute reserves the right to update the policy without any prior notice. We therefore suggest you to review the privacy policy whenever you visit this site to make sure that you are aware of any changes made in the policy.

We strive to ensure the highest standards for secure transactions and customer information privacy. Please read the following statement to learn about our collection of information policies.

Personal information collection

  • We may collect following kinds of personal information:
  • Basic information like name , address, contact , email and any other details required for registration.
  • Any message or information that you send to Anisuma Institute.

The collected information is used for the ease of use of this website by our registered customer. This helps to avoid repeated entry of the details by you and thus save your time and give you a pleasant experience while your next visit. This data is used by our data analysis team. This information is kept confidential and extremely secure and is not shared with any external party without your consent.

All the personal information collected by us is solely used for the purpose of communication such as marketing related mails, any important announcements and similar. If you choose to use information from your active social networking sites, we ensure the security of such data and also we do not save any confidential data such as password.

In case of any privacy threat or identity theft, Anisuma Institute may share your personal information , if required, to corporate entities that help to detect such malicious activities.

This website uses the Google Analytics. You may opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertisers including Ad-words. To provide website visitors more choice on how their data is collected by Google Analytics, google as developed an opt-out Browser add-on, which is available by visiting Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on, to enable you to opt out of Google’s Program.

Changes in this Policy

Anisuma Institute reserves the rights to make any changes in this policy at any point of time in future without any prior notification, in order to serve the best interest of our customers as well as associates. We recommend you to read this policy frequently or every time you use this website in order to remain updated with changes .